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Lawyers for the Life of Your Business

Corporate Law | Outside General Counsel |
Mergers & Acquisitions

Corporate Law

We consider ourselves “lifecycle lawyers,” and for many of our established entrepreneur clients, we have reincarnated multiple times together. From balancing the conflicting needs of founders and investors, crafting sensible commercial arrangements with third parties, to negotiating sustainable financing arrangements, the same battles are often fought on different terrains. We are adept at navigating the often treacherous landscape of commercial negotiations. Rather than merely dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s, we embrace the substantive role of the business lawyer. Our lawyers have the technical tools and commercial savvy to utilize the entire legal alphabet to move your business forward.

Outside General Counsel Services

At Caldera, we take a holistic approach to our client’s needs and many of them refer to us as their “outside general counsel.” In this function, our attorneys have, in the past five years alone, helped clients generate billions of dollars in equity value across multiple industries.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Caldera Law’s M&A practice covers multiple jurisdictions in the U.S., Europe, and Latin America. It is a natural extension of our Corporate Law and Outside General Counsel Services practice. Our institutional knowledge of our clients’ businesses gives us the opportunity to efficiently lawyer their sale transaction so that they can maximize their value at exit and protect it from claw-back, post-closing. For sell-side clients that we do not have a historical relationship with, we roll up our sleeves and draw on our considerable experience to understand the business and its vulnerabilities before the buyer and its counsel does. Given our frequent role as buyer-side counsel on M&A deals, we are better poised to see what’s coming around the bend.

On the buy-side, we regularly represent private equity firms, strategic buyers, and management buyers across a wide-swath of industries. We also regularly represent our clients in connection to the debt and equity financing of acquisitions. 

Our “sweet spot” is lower-middle to middle-market M&A transactions, although we regularly represent clients on smaller and larger transactions. For our clients who require or request that we bring in national or international law firms for larger ticket transactions, we facilitate the relevant introductions using our contacts and relationships from our time at and working alongside “Big Law.” We play really well in the sandbox.